Think Leadership Ideas

Tom Stevens

Note: Tom continues to be available for speaking engagements, but is no longer providing coaching, facilitation, or consulting services. Sending much gratitude to my clients over the years.

A seasoned leadership advisor, executive coach, master facilitator, and professional speaker, Tom is known for cultivating fresh, unconventional, and practical perspectives that help leaders unleash personal and organizational talent.

Tom is the founder of Think Leadership Ideas, working with executives, business owners, and knowledge professionals who seek leadership insight and know-how for creating and sustaining exceptional organizations. His clients have included global corporations such as Nortel, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novozymes, Biogen Idec, NACCO Materials Handling Group (Hyster and Yale), RSM McGladrey, Alcatel, and Eaton - as well as universities and colleges, hospitals, professional practices, mid-sized businesses, trade associations, chambers of commerce, entrepreneurial businesses owners, and enterprising non-profits. Tom has coached leaders from mid-level hi-potential managers to seasoned business owners and C-suite executives. As a speaker, Tom has been applauded at top-ranked business schools, professional conferences, association meetings, and corporate retreats.

Tom views work with his clients as a partnership. He brings to the table three decades of experience serving as a catalyst for personal and professional change and growth. Following years of developing expertise in clinical counseling and human behavior, Tom gained practical leadership and management experience serving 12 years as the chief executive of a family services agency, guiding the organization through massive changes in the healthcare industry and 3X growth. In 2001 (just 10 days before 9/11) Tom shifted his career path and launched into consulting and coaching full-time to help like-minded leaders and professionals accelerate achievement.

Tom continues to practice leadership - not just coach, consult, and speak about it. In 2005 Tom successfully campaigned for the office Mayor of Hillsborough, NC. Now serving in his fourth term, Tom continues to hone the leadership skills and values he promotes in his consulting practice through fulfilling his role as Mayor of an award-winning community that’s becoming a showcase for what’s right about small town America.

Tom received both a BA degree and an MSW degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Certificate in Organizational Development from UNC-Charlotte. Tom is a professional member of the National Speaker's Association.

Tom is the creator of over a hundred articles and podcasts on leadership, including the 7 Ideas Coach podcast series on Apple iTunes. Tom is the publisher of THINK! - an e-zine of leadership articles with subscribers around the world.

What Clients Have Said About Tom Stevens...

We have worked with numerous consultants and facilitators, and I consider Tom to be top rate. Tom’s approach always seems to be
on the leading edge.

~ Mark Santry, Director, Strategic Planning, GlaxoSmithKline

Our staff retention has improved from 65% to 95% over the past two years that we have been working with Tom.
~ Shan James, Director, Duke Health & Fitness Center

Tom helped our leaders lead.
~ Carol D. Clayton, PhD., Executive Director,
North Carolina Council of Community Programs a master of understanding the unique needs of each client and synthesizing information into a usable format. I would recommend him to any executive leading a complex organization through change.
~ Crystal L. King, Director, Carolina Union
UNC Chapel Hill

I highly recommend Tom as a coach, a leadership mentor, and change-agent. He’s a guy with boundless energy and a sincere
sense of commitment to everything he does…

~ Christopher H. Price, CEO and President
LAAMScience, Inc.

Tom has proven himself as a great meeting facilitator and a strong team builder. Tom has a refreshing knack for team building with professionals without being too “touchy feely”.

~ Debbie Fritz, Director of Health Care Standards, GlaxoSmithKine

Tom meets planned objectives and follows through by providing excellent follow-up. Tom’s work with our group helped us perform at a higher level. We removed stumbling blocks and knocked down silos. We moved forward with improved morale, increased effectiveness and higher productivity. We now approach objectives as a team rather than pursuing individual goals.
~ Gary Tharrington, Director, Business and Employee Services,
Novozymes North America

I feel like you have given me a great big lever that triples the effect of my efforts...

~ Chris Potter, President
Southern Media Design and Production, Inc.

Tom has a talent for combining established theory with practical tools and real world experience.
~ Rob Kramer, Director, Training & Development,
The University of North Carolina

The work that Tom did with us two years ago still provides benefits today.
~ Anne M. Faul, Director, Pharmacy Strategy and Analysis, GlaxoSmithKline

Tom provides value - participants learn a great deal in a short amount of time and walk away with lots of good ideas that are immediately applicable in the real world.
~ Danielle Kasper, Vice-President of Small Business,
Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce

Tom provided me with better understanding of key leadership concepts, and my new perspective led me to make fundamental changes in managing and developing employees to better serve customers.
~ Steve Wapple, Owner/Founder,
StarQuest International