Think Leadership Ideas

Boost Confidence and Professionalism

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 7

Some experts say that 95% of people feel some fear or anxiety when called upon to give a speech or presentation. Feeling fear when giving a speech is normal, and it doesn’t have to stand in the way of making a great presentation. This new 7 minute coaching session quickly reviews seven techniques to reduce fear and boost your confidence when making that business speech or presentation.

Heighten Presentation Impact With Humor

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 6

Humor is your weapon to win attention. Humor is your tool to stand out. Humor is your winning edge. For those who need a less aggressive metaphor, humor is the icing on the cake that makes your message attractive and a pleasure to consume. 

This new 7 minute coaching session quickly reviews seven actions you can take to add humor to your business speech or presentation.


Resist Powerpoint Mediocrity

avoid death and despair by powerpoint
Avoid despair by Powerpoint

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 5

Not only is poor speaking is widely tolerated in business, poor use of presentation software is practically encouraged. Well it doesn’t have to be that way. You can avoid death, despair, and boredom by powerpoint.

This 7 minute coaching session offers seven actions for using Powerpoint, Keynote, or other presentation software to make your presentations stand out.


Engage and Energize Your Audience

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 4

A speech is like a dance, with the speaker and audience as dance partners. Sometimes leading, sometimes following, effective speakers engage - dance with - their audiences. Engagement both takes energy and builds energy.

This 7 minute coaching session outlines seven ways that you can maintain and increase the engagement and energy of your audience while making your presentation.

7 Ideas Coach is a weekly series of coaching sessions,
7 nuggets of insight in 7 minutes for busy leaders

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7 Ideas Coach via email or through Apple iTunes

Openings to Command Attention

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 3

How you start your presentation or speech sets the audiences expectation. If you begin with a strong opening, end with a powerful close, and have relevant material in the middle, listeners will forget and forgive any parts that are uninteresting or less than well done. They will perceive the entire presentation positively as a whole.

This 7 minute coaching session covers the essentials of crafting a powerful opening, and includes seven different ways to do it.

listen to the
summary podcast of the Powerful Speaking series

Organize What You Say

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 2

If you want to stand out and be heard, then you need to make sure your speech or presentation is organized so it can be followed by the listener. The following are seven things you would do well to pay attention to...

Put Polish on Speaking Mechanics and Delivery

Speak Powerfully... coaching session 1

Poor speaking is so tolerated as normal for business that perhaps no other skill gives as quick a payback for effort as learning to speak with clarity, brevity and energy. Small and basic improvements in speaking in front of others will typically elevate one well above the crowd. Plus effective speaking is one of the best tools for cultivating influence.

Acquiring the skills to improve speaking is not actually difficult to do, but takes time, practice and discipline. The following are a seven key practices to develop speaking mechanics and delivery.

Coming Soon...7IC series on Powerful Speaking

We are taking a break this week to prepare for the launch of our new 7 Ideas Coach series, with the accompanying e-book,

Powerful Speaking - Stand Out and Get Your Message Across

The topics we’ll cover in the next 7 weeks include...
  • 7 Essential Mechanics of Speaking to Develop
  • 7 Strategies to Organize What You Say
  • 7 Ideas for Openings That Grab Attention
  • 7 Ways to Engage and Energize Your Audience
  • Resisting Powerpoint Mediocrity
  • Using Humor and Stories
  • 7 Tips to Build Confidence and Project Professionalism

To receive the summary leadership article in PDF format and email links to all the podcasts - FREE - then be sure to sign up on our email list for both THINK! e-zine and 7 Ideas Coach. Bonus - 101 Leadership Quotes and summary articles for the three previous series topics when you subscribe.

Speak Powerfully

Leadership Momentum... session 4

Poor speaking is so tolerated as normal for business that perhaps no other skill gives as quick a payback for effort as learning to speak with clarity, brevity and energy. Small and basic improvements in speaking in front of others will typically elevate one well above the crowd. Plus effective speaking is one of the best tools for cultivating influence.
Acquiring the skills to improve speaking is not actually difficult to do, but takes time, practice and discipline. This session gives leaders seven key points to remember...

Listen to the new 7 Ideas Coach series that expands the material covered in this session > Powerful Speaking Series
