Think Leadership Ideas

Books: Zero to One Million

Zero to One Million
How to Build a Company to One Milliion Dollars in Sales
by Ryan P. Allis (2008)

A few months ago I had the pleasure of hearing Ryan tell his remarkable story of building iContact into a million dollar business by age 21! OK, so the company actually hit a million in sales 18 days after Ryan's 21st birthday, still amazing and inspirational.

Zero to One Million is Ryan’s story in print. It is much more than a simple recounting of his success, rather it provides a step-by-step outline for would-be entrepreneurs, from business nuts-and-bolts to the intangible aspects of working leading and partnering with other people. For example, Ryan clearly differentiates entrepreneurs creating lifestyle companies (creating a business to sustain one’s life) from high potential ventures (creating businesses that grow quickly and create wealth).

Hear Ryan speak if you have a chance, and if you are an aspiring entrepreneur then add this book to your library.

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