Think Leadership Ideas

Cultivate CULTURE

Leadership OF an Organization
Working ON your business, not just IN it... and make it exceptional

Session 6 ~ Cultivate Culture

Previous 7 Ideas Coach sessions have discussed how DIRECTION, PERFORMANCE, and INNOVATION are core leadership concerns of any organization. How do leaders to attend to these concerns?

Two tools that leaders can use to influence direction, performance, and innovation within their organization are STRUCTURE and CULTURE. I think of structure as the banks of a river, giving direction to the water’s flow. I think of culture as the current in that river that pulls people along, unless they make an effort to do otherwise. We focused on structure in the last session - this session focuses on important strategies leaders use to shape their company culture so it adds value.

Culture is what people do when the boss isn’t looking. Organizational culture is the behavior, attitude, and atmosphere that happen by default - unless there is intention and effort to do otherwise. If you aren’t paying attention to the company culture, you might be missing a powerful means to accelerate productivity, profitability, employee retention, and customer satisfaction – in short, your organization’s success. Listen to this session for practical ideas for cultivating your organization’s culture...

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